Voditelj Anderson Kuper, inače zvezda CNN-a, objavio je na društvenim mrežama da je postao otac dečaka, pomoću surogat majke.

„U ponedeljak sam postao otac, ovo je Vajat Kuper, ima tri dana. Nazvao sam ga po ocu koji je preminuo kada sam ja imao deset godina“, napisao je voditelj ispod fotografije i dodao:


„Kao gej, nikad nisam mislio da ću imati dete. Zahvalan sam svima zbog kojih je to moguće, zahvalan sam doktorima i medicinskim sestrama koje su učestvovale u rođenju mog sina. Najviše od svega zahvalan sam predivnoj surogat majci, koja je nosila Vajata, pazila na njega i rodila ga. Blagoslov je to što ona i ostale surogat majke rade za porodice koje ne mogu da imaju decu.“

Voditelj se u svojoj emotivnoj poruci prisetio i svoje preminule majke, te je napisao da mu je žao što ona i ostatak njegove porodice nikada neće moći da upoznaju njegovog sina.

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I want to share with you some joyful news. On Monday, I became a father. This is Wyatt Cooper. He is three days old. He is named after my father, who died when I was ten. I hope I can be as good a dad as he was. My son's middle name is Morgan. It's a family name on my mom's side. I know my mom and dad liked the name morgan because I recently found a list they made 52 years ago when they were trying to think of names for me. Wyatt Morgan Cooper. My son. He was 7.2 lbs at birth, and he is sweet, and soft, and healthy and I am beyond happy. As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child, and I’m grateful for all those who have paved the way, and for the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in my son's birth. Most of all, I am grateful to a remarkable surrogate who carried Wyatt, and watched over him lovingly, and tenderly, and gave birth to him. It is an extraordinary blessing – what she, and all surrogates give to families who cant have children. My surrogate has a beautiful family of her own, a wonderfully supportive husband, and kids, and I am incredibly thankful for all the support they have given Wyatt and me. My family is blessed to have this family in our lives I do wish my mom and dad and my brother, Carter, were alive to meet Wyatt, but I like to believe they can see him. I imagine them all together, arms around each other, smiling and laughing, happy to know that their love is alive in me and in Wyatt, and that our family continues.

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