Konstrakta; Foto: Rolf Klatt / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

Ceo svet pljeska u ritmu "In corpore sano", a neki još ne kapiraju.

Na objavu da je Konstrakta s pesmom „In corpore sano“ ušla u finale, Srbi su odahnuli i osuli paljbu po organizatorima što su im „skratili život“ jer su jednu od najvećih favoritkinja prozvali tek desetu, međutim, po komentarima se vidi da još ima fanova Evrovizije koji ne kapiraju o čemu ona uopšte peva i bune se što je uopšte prošla.

Jer je „pesma ni o čemu“.

Odluka srpske predstavnice bila je da na evrovizijsku scenu izađe pevajući na srpskom (i latinskom) jer bi se „prevodom izgubilo dosta toga“.  Ipak, niko nije očekivao onaj bizaran prevod Konstraktine pesme u sinoćnom prenosu.

Ipak, oni koje je zaintrigirala, a ne razumeju je, mogli bi da nađu i normalniju verziju. Na sajtu Wiwibloggs, na primer, dato je tumačenje Konstraktine pesme, zajedno sa prevodom teksta na engleski – i sigurni smo da će „Biti zdrava“ sutra odjekivati još i glasnije.

In corpore sano

Onas eroproc ni amrifni snem*

I wonder what’s the secret
Behind Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?
I wonder what’s the secret?

I wonder what’s the secret
Behind Meghan Markle’s healthy hair?
I wonder what’s the secret? (I wonder what’s the secret?)

I think that deep hydration is what it is
They say that one’s skin and hair show everything clearly
For example, dark circles around the eyes

Could indicate liver problems
Blemishes around the lips, enlarged spleen perhaps?
Enlarged spleen is not good, it’s not pretty
And the artist, she needs to be healthy

Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
B-b-b be healthy

Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
She must be, she must be, she must be

We’re incredibly lucky
That there’s such a thing as the autonomic nervous system
I don’t need to control my own heart beats
The heart beats, the heart beats on its own

Bright colours of a summer day
My skirt is on my body,
My skirt, the dog and I
The two of us are talking a walk
We’re counting the steps
The skirt flows around my leg

We are taking a walk, and that’s it

Pročitajte još:

And it doesn’t need to get any better than this
The heart beats on its own
I put my trust in it
Let it beat on its own

I put my trust in it
Let it beat, let me breathe
God, give me health, God, give me health, God, give me health
(God, give me health)
I don’t have health insurance

How will they be able to keep track of me?

(In the name of health)
To care for me? (In the name of health)
The artist, she is invisible (In the name of health)
You don’t see me, it’s magic (In the name of health)
The artist, she can be healthy

Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy

B-b-b be healthy
Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy
She can be, she can be, she can be

In a healthy body, in a healthy body
In a healthy body, in a healthy body
In a healthy body, in a healthy body

The body is healthy
So now what?

A sick mind in a healthy body
A sad soul in a healthy body
A desperate mind in a healthy body
A terrified mind in a healthy body
So now what?


Bonus video: Prva izjava Konstrakte nakon prolaska u finale Evrovizije


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