Karantinske barbike
Karantinske barbike; Foto: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Tokom karantina su žene učile same da sređuju kosu i nokte, zaboravljale na dijete, neke su dane provodile uz ekrane, neke u onlajn školama sa sitnom decom, bindžovalo se, mesili su se hlebovi, visilo se na Zoomu... Pa zašto bi Barbi bila drugačija?

Tonja Ruiz, poznata kao Grandma Gets Real, kreirala je seriju karantinskih barbika s kojima će saosećati svaka žena.

Ruiz je poznata po tome što se već dugo suprotstavlja nerealističnim figurama popularnih lutki i smešta ih u scene iz stvarnog života, pokazujući da njihov život ni izbliza ne bi bio tako savršen da su one prave žene. Sad je, inspirisana proteklim periodom u kojem se svet suočio s pandemijom koronavirusa, rešila da devojčicama za igru ponudi nešto toliko realistično, da i njihove roditelje podilazi jeza. I možda će retke izabrati da se igraju barbikama raščupane kose i tamnih podočnjaka, ali reakcije na seriju su zasad odlične.

Pidžama Barbi

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Quarantine Barbie What Time Is It? Edition Includes:  Alarm Clock Glass of Warm Milk for Insomnia Cappuccino Machine Daytime Pajamas & Nighttime Pajamas Toaster with Toast PLUS SNACKS:  Mother's Circus Animal Cookies Crunch 'n Munch #barbiegetsreal . . #grandmagetsreal #pandemicbarbie #quarantinebarbie #quarantinelife #barbiesofinstagram #barbiecollection #barbiecollector #bestbarbiephotos #instabarbie #barbielife #dollstagram #barbielover #barbieinstagram #barbiegram #barbiegirl #barbieworld #barbieinsta #barbiedolls #barbiestyle #barbiephotography #barbievintage #barbieclothes #barbier #vintagebarbie #barbiephotogallery #mattel #barbie @mattel @barbie #barbieminiatures #barbiefashionista

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„Uradi sama“ – frizuru, depilaciju, manikir…

Uvek gladna kolačića i mode

Mama, deca i učenje od kuće

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Quarantine Barbie Homeschool Mom Edition 3 Kids +Toddler (Permenantly attached to Mom's leg) Includes:  Breakfast & Lunch plus Cookies Games for Family Night School Books & Science Homework  PLUS Tiny Volcano kit For mom – Pond's Anti-Wrinkle Cream & Sonoma Wine *Hair Dye not included #quarantinebarbie #pandemicbarbie . . #barbiegetsreal #barbiesofinstagram #barbiecollection #barbiecollector #bestbarbiephotos #instabarbie #barbielife #dollstagram #barbielover #barbieinstagram #barbiegram #barbiegirl #barbieworld #Barbie #mattel #barbieinsta #barbiedolls #barbiestyle #barbiephotography #barbievintage #barbieclothes #barbier #vintagebarbie #barbiephotogallery #barbiephotos #miniatures #dollhouseminiatures @mattel @barbie

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Barbika medicinska radnica


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Quarantine Binge Watching Barbie Includes: Television, Comfy Crochet Afghan, Pillow Orville Redenbacher's Movie Theater Popcorn & Diet Coke Plus – Lots of Sweet & Salty Snacks Everything she needs for a cozy marathon of streaming! . . . #barbiegetsreal #quarantinebarbie #barbiesofinstagram #bingewatchingbarbie #pandemicbarbie #barbiecollection #barbiecollector #bestbarbiephotos #instabarbie #grandmagetsreal #dollstagram #barbielover #barbieinstagram #barbiegram #barbiegirl #barbieworld #Barbie #mattel #barbieinsta #barbiedolls #barbiestyle #barbiephotography #barbievintage #barbieclothes #barbier #vintagebarbie #barbiephotogallery #barbiephotos #miniatures #dollhouseminiatures @mattel @barbie

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Zoom Ken i sitna deca

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Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! ????‍♂️ Repost from @barbiegetsreal: Quarantine Barbie – Zoom Ken Includes:  Business Attire top & Adorable Heart Boxers 3 Apple Products: Iphone, Ipad, and Macbook Pro Beverages from Starbucks Drive-Thru Dove Antiperspirant Rambunctious Toddler and Fussy Infant to Crash Video Chat Toilet & One Roll of TP *Do not use while on Zoom . . . #zoom #zoombarbie #barbiegetsreal #quarantinebarbie #barbiesofinstagram #barbiecollection #barbiecollector #bestbarbiephotos #instabarbie #barbielife #dollstagram #barbielover #barbieinstagram #barbiegram #barbiegirl #barbieworld #Barbie #mattel #barbieinsta #barbiedolls #barbiestyle #barbiephotography #barbievintage #barbieclothes #barbier #vintagebarbie #barbiephotogallery #barbiephotos #miniatures #dollhouseminiatures @mattel

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Barbi u epizodi: „Dan mrmota“

Od modne ikone do pekarke


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