Foto: Instagram/freeleethebananagirl

Veganska ishrana uvek izaziva velike polemike u javnosti. Sada se digla velika bura nakon što je žena koja se 14 godina hrani isključivo sirovim namirnicama pokazala kako izgleda njeno telo u 40. godini života.

Lean Retklif je svoj 40. rođendan smatrala za idealnu priliku da pokaže svoju figuru nakon 14 godina veganske ishrane.

Ovo nije prvi put da ona diže buru u javnosti – postala je poznata pod nadimkom „Banana devojka“, jer je svojevremeno tvrdila da ponekad dnevno pojede 51 bananu.

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this is so hard for me, like sooooo hard… (well only because i care about what YOU will say, not about animals). my loves, im no longer vegan. that's right. look guys, my health was sooo bad i promise – i saw Dr after Dr after Dr but i can't even produce a single blood test to prove that's true. ? . sure, i used to be against the rape, torture and murder of other animals (& even made posts about it!) but now believe it's ok (in moderation ofc) if certain circumstances call for it – like my morning egg scramble. i know this means baby chicks are ground up alive on their birth-day… but guys, i was protein-deficient! and tbh, one morning i woke up with a big pimple from tofu scramble. ? NOT OK! i have selfies to take ya know! if a salmon has to be suffocated alive in order to fuel my sex drive then so be it, even though no science exists to support this theory. . but if im really honest (for once) the truth is i just jumped on veganism because it was trending. i never gave a fuck about animals, my reflection mattered more. i posed and acted the part to get the benefits of being vegan. i got well known using the label and became a great actress over the years and master manipulator of my audience. but suddenly – i wasn't getting the views i wanted on youtube ? and other youtubers were reaching non vegans that i couldn't. i then broke up with my plantbased boyfriend and found a new meaty boyfriend who insisted i was damaging my health being vegan, even though i omitted animals products and healed my initial health problems. ? . so yeh im soooo sorry that basically im now behaving like the scum of the earth. even though i know better, i have gone back to inflicting pain and death on the most vulnerable members of our community. yep, animals have to now suffer because of my low standards, poor education and cold narcissistic heart. . please like my status so my ego feels supported in this choice ? im really a spiritual person as you can see from this pic! love youuuuu all so much (not really but anyways hehe) xxxx @maddielymburner @ rawalignment @ bonnyrebecca @jonvenus @yovana and @carlytaylor269 and @ fullyrawkristina for liking posts from these frauds.

A post shared by Vegan Frugivore (@freeleethebananagirl) on

Zna se da Lean jede samo sirovu hranu. Njen režim ishrane zove se „Raw Till 4“. Takva dijeta podrazumeva da je do 16 sati  dozvoljeno jesti sirovu hranu, u kojoj god količini želite, a nakon toga sledi jedan jači veganski obrok koji će organizmu dati dovoljno ugljenih hidrata, prenosi Index.

„Veganka sam skoro 14 godina. Najbolje godine mog života“, napisala je na Instagramu Lean, a kao dozak je priložila svoj goli stomak.

Veganka redovno radi i nalaze krvi, za koje kaže da su odlični.

„Lekar mi kaže da sam u odličnoj formi i da nastavim da radim to što radim. Ljudi bi rekli da stanem nakon četiri ili deset godina, a ja 14 godina dokazujem da sam u sve boljem stanju“, rekla je.

Pokazala je i neverovatnu transformaciju svog tela – objavivši svoju fotku kada je imala 24 i sa navršenih 40 godina.

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ive spent the last 13 years following a (high fruit #rawtill4) vegan lifestyle ??????. im 40 this year. NO caffeine. NO excessive exercise. NO pills or medication. NO calorie restriction. ??. . some physical results ?? my hair is softer, silkier and healthier than ever. i no longer have acne. lost 40lbs. no more $250 visits to gastroenterologist for my IBS and dysbiosis. overcame hypothyroidism. no more eczema in corners of nose. healed chilblains on fingers and swollen cuticles. constantly breaking nails. hair loss… ??. . swipe to see some of the food im eating now and more narcissistic posing ? . im living proof this #frugivore #VEGAN lifestyle works long term. it's not only best for your health but also the animals and the planet. . stop wasting time with excuses and start REALLY living. go fruit yourself ? .

A post shared by Vegan Frugivore (@freeleethebananagirl) on

Pročitajte još:

Opisala je šta joj je sve donela veganska ishrana.

„Ne unosim kofein, ne vežbam preterano, ne uzimam lekove i ne ograničavam unos kalorija. Kosa mi je mekša, svilenkastija i zdravija nego ikad. Nemam akne, skinula sam 20 kilograma. Više ne plaćam skupocene preglede kod gastroenterologa, prevladala sam probleme sa štitnom žlezdom, nemam ekceme, otečene prste i zanoktice, a nokti mi se ne lome i kosa ne opada“, navela je ona.

Ipak, lekari ne smatraju da je njena dijeta previše zdrava, pa su ukazali da će „ishranom baziranom samo na bananama, ali i drugom voću, organizmu nedostajati važnih minerala, od kalcijuma, selena, zdravih masti i drugih nutrijenata koji su važni za normalno funkcionisanje organizma i adekvatnu apsorpciju hranljivih sastojaka“.


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