Manekenka je sa svojim pratiocima podelila sa čime se suočava.

Naime, ona je na svom Tik Tok profilu objavila kratak video na kom pokazuje svoje lice bez šminke.


Lice joj je natešeno, a u opisu je objasnila o čemu se radi.

„Popravila sam zub. Imala sam manju infekciju ispod zuba. Mesecima sam osetila da treba da izlečim taj zub. Slušajte svoje telo“, poručila je Bela Hadid koja trenutno ima 26 godina.

Inače, ona boluje od lajmske bolesti, koja se, kako tvrdi, rasplamsala, i izazvala je ovu infekciju. Objasnila je da ova bolest napada zube, vilicu, mozak, kosti, nervni sistem…


Tooth update! There was a low-grade infection underneath the tooth, NEXT to the tooth I thought was suffering(she’s good) which is the one I got a root canal on a year ago. It continued to spread down,causing a low grade infection in my jaw. I have felt in my heart for months that I needed this tooth out, to heal the rest, and if not, it was going to take me out!Please listen to your bodies my friends please!!! This made my Lyme flare up, which means the Lyme is attacking the places that are suffering ie tooth, jaw, gut, brain, spine, bones, etc oh and the entire nervous system💕 Any minor trauma to the body whether it’s physically or mentally can cause Lyme to flare up. My jaw has been so inflamed, and would flare up/inflame randomly when I was/am overly stressed or over working. Lyme flare ups happen all the time, so that doesn’t worry me, it’s more-so the jaw situation and how radiating the pain is especially with the Lyme. Some days okay! and some days are difficult. but when my jaw/nerves started to hurt on an aggressive level; it just went 0-100. And now we’re here! I am ok though!! i feel better when I’m riding! (And after starting the 2 rounds of anti-biotics) (that in itself is a wild ride) I think my horses just really take my mind off the pain. This is the reason i stopped riding 10 years ago, and i wasn’t going to let it get to me at my first show back🤭anyways , moral of the story , I’m getting this tooth extracted tomorrow! Going to heal that infection! Ive never been so excited go to the dentist..thank you for checking in on me I see you all!! wish me luck!!!


Inače, Bela Hadid otkrila je da boluje od obe bolesti 2012. godine, a ispričala je da se svakodnevno bori sa oko 30 simptoma.

Između ostalog, navela je anksioznost, osetljivost na svetlo i buku, bolove u zglobovima, a istaknula je i da ne postoji lek kojim se može izlečiti.

Lajmsku bolest inače prenosi krpelj.

BONUS VIDEO: Manekenka u akciji – kako „počistiti“ teglu Nutele za manje od dva minuta

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