Snažan zemljotres jačine 8,2 stepena po Rihteru pogodio je Aljasku u 22.15 časova po lokalnom vremenu.
Na društvenoj mreži Tviter, novinarka Bet Verž, objavila je snimak iz televizijskog studija odmah nakon potresa, na kome se vidi kako svetla reflektora podrhtavaju.
„Zemljotres jačine 8.2 desio se tokom večernjih vesti. Mislila sam da mi se priviđa… Pogledajte kako svetla trepere“, napisala je.
The ~M8.2 earthquake near Perryville happened during tonight’s late newscast. I thought I was hallucinating… Check out the lights slowly swinging (once I was able to pause on the anchor desk)! #earthquake #Alaska
— Beth Verge (@ktuubeth) July 29, 2021
Odmah nakon zemljotresa, u nekim delovima pogođene države izdato je upozorenje za cunami.
#Kodiak #Alaska as of 10 minutes ago… sirens and evacuations #earthquake #tsunami
— ??*SkyQueen*?? ✈️?⭐️ (@Triquetra331) July 29, 2021
Na snimcima koji je podelio korisnik SkyQueen, vidi se kolona automobila kojima se ljudi evakuišu iz grada Kodiak, dok se u pozadini čuju sirene.
More video of #tsunami sirens in #Kodiak #Alaska #earthquake
— ??*SkyQueen*?? ✈️?⭐️ (@Triquetra331) July 29, 2021
„Ovo je najjači zemljotres u Severnoj Americi od 1965. godine“, navodi se u jednom tvitu.
?#BREAKING: The 8.2 earthquake is the largest to strike the United States since 1965
Warning sirens are now blaring along the Alaskan coastline as waves approach.
The Tsunami Warning System is still calculating possible further risks to the Hawaiian Islands— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) July 29, 2021
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