Foto: Printscreen, Vesna Lalić

Glumica Danica Maksimović je jedna od malobrojnih poznatih koja je javno govorila o promenama koje je doživela pošto je prestala da pije. Transformacije ljudi koji su ostavili alkohol nisu samo zdravstvene, već su evidenente i na njihovim fotografijama.

Danica Maksimović u 67. godini zaista izgleda bolje nego ikad, a kad je javno progovorila o zamci u koju je uletela sa alkoholom, zaslužila je poštovanje mnogih kolega i obožavalaca koji nisu imali njenu hrabrost.

„Veoma je bitno da kad skreneš s puta, znaš da se vratiš na kolosek i da nađeš u sebi snage. Ja sam kratko bila u tom problemu, nije to kod mene dugo trajalo. Bila sam sportista, moj organizam se bunio protiv toga, ali sam uletela u zamku, nisam ni bila svesna. Onda sam se osvestila, i hvala milostivom bogu, pored sebe sam imala svoju porodicu, ljubav svih, i svoju majku, i svoje dete i sestru. Naravno, tražila sam stručnu pomoć, jer stvarno je najvažnije da se kad imate problem obratite na pravu adresu. Treba da promenite ceo režim života, da izbegavate društvo koje konzumira alkohol, da biste se izvukli dok ne stanete na noge. Ovo govorim s distance od skoro dvadeset godina, ali uvek ću nekim savetom pomoći svima koji se nađu u toj situaciji“, rekla je „Puls“ pre nekoliko godina Danica Maksimović.

I glumac Tihomir Stanić je javno pričao da je uspeo da ostavi alkohol.

Pročitajte još:

„Verovatno sam hteo i ranije, ali sam bio mlad kada sam u skladu sa načinom života, u sredini u kojoj sam živeo, kasnije i u pozorištima, verovao da ću se dokazati u društvu da mogu mnogo da popijem. Pa sam tu svoju količinu očigledno popio do 42. godine, što je srećna okolnost jer mlad čovek fizički može da nosi ta ograničenja koja sam sebi napravi. Bilo je krajnje vreme da promenim način života, a onda su se nekoliko okolnosti tu poklopile istovremeno i ćerkica je jednom rekla: ‘Tata, jedna moja drugarica kaže za tebe da si pijanac’. To je inače ćerka mog prijatelja, a ja je pitam šta kaže, i ona mi ponovo: ‘da si ti pijanac’. Njoj nije bilo jasno zašto to kaže jer ja sam ipak funkcionisao. I onda sam rekao: dobro, u redu. Prošle godine sam sa ocem te devojčice sedeo, on popio dva viskija. Sada ja kažem ćerki: Reci sada njoj da je njen tata pijanac“, rekao je Stanić pre tri godine za „Blic“.

Neumerena i svakodnevna konzumacija alkohola slabi imuni sistem, pa je organizam samim tim i podložniji raznim bolestima i infekcijama. U trenutku kada ljudi ostave piće, imunitet se obnavlja. Alkohol onemogućava dobru apsorpciju vitamina, pa zato koža alkoholičara dobija sivkastu nijansu, lice se puni borama, nokti postaju krti, a kvare se i zubi i opada kosa.

Stručnjaci kažu da se posle prestanka konzumiranja alkohola kvalitetnije spava, manje se jede, gube kilogrami, koža izgleda zdravije.

Pogledajte promene na ljudima koji su prestali da piju:

Godinu i po dana bez alkohola

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Hi, My Name’s Todd, And I’m A Recovering Alcoholic. I Took The Picture On The Left Almost 17 Months Ago, Outside An Emergency Room, At Sunrise, Something Told Me I Didn’t Want To Forget That Moment. I Forget Easily. I’m Going Public With This Now Simply Because I Need To Advocate For Recovery More. We’re Losing Too Many People To Addiction. The Stigma, The Shame, The Guilt, The Self Doubt, The Fear, And The Isolation Is Literally Killing People. I Know, I Was Very Close To Drawing My Last Breath With A Vodka Bottle In My Hand Several Times. So How Did I Get Here? I Drank Like Most People For A Short While, Starting Young, And Quickly Progressing To Full Blown By My Early Twenties. I Survived That Way For A Long Time, Somewhat Functional, Although I Hate That Term. I Did Pretty Well Professionally, Married A Wonderful Woman, Owned A Beautiful Condo In Boston. Life Looked Good From The Outside. But On The Inside I Was Dying. In The End I Drank Away My Marriage, My Career, All My Money, Many Friendships, And My Health Suffered Long Term Permanent Damage. But I Was One Of The Lucky Ones, I Still Had Friends And Family That Believed In Me And Supported Me. So, Three Years Ago I Started By Trying To Quit On My Own With No Help, That Didn’t Work, It Rarely Does. After My Best Friend Passed Away From Complications Related To Alcoholism, I Went To Treatment, Thought I Was Cured, And Did Nothing Else. That Didn’t Work. So This Time I Went To Treatment, Went To Further Outpatient Treatment, Outside Counseling, Dedicated Myself To AA And The 12 Steps, Exiled Myself To Cape Cod, And Did Absolutely Nothing But Focus On My Recovery For A Full Year. So Far, So Good. But Recovery From This Is A Daily Effort, I Know That Now. If You’re Hurting, Or Know Someone That Is, Reach Out. It Gets Better. Everything Gets Better. Because We Do Get Better. We Do Recover. #wedorecover #RecoveryRockstars #soberissexy #recoveryisworthit #RecoveryIsPossible #sober #sobriety #soberlife #soberliving

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Godinu dana bez alkohola

Devet meseci bez alkohola

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So… let's talk about this.. • • On the left: 1-4 bottles of wine a week… DAYUM, There's a LOT of full coverage foundation on that mug… eeeek ??? • • On the right, 9 months later: Lots of infused water, BB cream & some contour/blush. • • The difference: Sobriety. (& 100% full disclosure: I have taken a therapeutic dose of a supes bioavailable liquid collagen/HA daily for the last 4 months) • • But the point is, I know they all like to dress booze up. Put a big fat bow on it. Make it seem sophisticated. Make it seem like motherhood or womanhood staple. They even say it's healthy "in moderation." ??? • • Butttttt….. FYI, the tiny, itty bitty bit oF resveratrol in wine does not outweigh the toxicity of the ethanol…. it's still poison. ?‍♀️ • • You know what blows my mind? Women my age are the #1 target market group of alcohol brands right now… & overall, women are the fastest growing segment of the alcohol-abuse population… coincidence? I think not. • • I believe everyone should do whatever the hell they wanna do… but I share this out of love because I didn't realize I had fallen into the trap til my gray area drinking was a little too scary. • • Anyways…. I love you guys. I'm grateful you've loved me and supported me and cheered me on through this journey. • • This is 9 months… God, I am so beyond grateful to be here. I am not worthy. ? • • (ps – if you want the resveratrol without the poison… I gotchu. I'll link you to what I take.) —————— #teetotaler #recoveroutloud #soberwarrior #odaat #hersuccess #wedorecover #liveyourvision #sobrietyrocks #sobernation #soberaf #womeninrecovery #alcoholfree #sobermovement #sherecovers #loveistheanswer #sobermom #soberlife #recoveryrocks #buildingbossladies

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76 dana bez alkohola

61 mesec bez alkohola


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