Foto: Recorded Picture Company / Pando / AFP / Profimedia

Svaka duga veza ima svoje male tajne, a umetnica Amanda Olander je svojim ilustracijama pokazala kako izgleda ljubav kad niko ne gleda.

Amanda Oleander ilustruje svakodnevne prizore iz života sa svojim dečkom, a čak i na ilustracijama koje su na prvi pogled komične ili preterane, ukazuje se suština duge i kvalitetne ljubavne veze.

U njoj su dvoje ljudi koji više ne izgledaju savršeno.

Koji su prihvatili loše navike onog drugog.

Koji su se navikli i na neke odvratne navike onog drugog.

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24 Hour Print Sale Now available on the site. Link in bio to see the rest available. 29 prints available this week + giving away pins to the first 20 orders—————————————— Nuevo arte ahora disponible en el sitio durante 24 horas. Enlace en bio. ———————————————————————— Nova arte agora disponível no site por 24 horas. Link na bio. ———————————————————————— Nuovi dipinti ora disponibili sul sito ———————————————————————— New art now available on the site for 24 hours. ———————————————————————— هم‌اکنون سری جدید نقاشی‌ها به مدت ۲۴ ساعت برای خرید از طریق وبسایت قابل دسترسی هستند. ———————————————————————— رسمات جديدة متوفرة في الموقع على مدار الـ ٢٤ ساعة . ———————————————————————— International shipping available ———————————————————————— ? Gifting a print to a random person in the comments. To enter the giveaway tag someone that you think will appreciate an art print as a gift! ♥️

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Koji su pokazali da mogu da podnesu s osmehom…

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Drawing 20/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. People would say “wait until the honeymoon phase is over”… then they said, wait until you move in together, it gets rough. Then they said wait until you are married. We are going into our 5th year and I am deeper in love with everything you are. You make everyday so fun, you are a light to every room you walk into. I’m so thankful I have the privilege to be in most of those rooms. I look forward to the magic you bring to every day, I love you. I will continue to tell you every day in words, made up songs, sleepily in the middle of the night when you leave just to pee and through my art. Thank you for existing @joeyrudman. —————————————— Title: Piggy Back Rides

A post shared by A m a n d a??‍?O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

…Čak i najgora izdanja svoje voljene osobe.

Koji vole sva njena izdanja.

Koji više nemaju tajni.

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24 Hour Print Sale Now available on the site. 40 prints available this week Link in bio to see the rest available. —————————————— Nuevo arte ahora disponible en el sitio durante 24 horas. Enlace en bio. ———————————————————————— Art disponsible sur le site pour 24h. ———————————————————————— Nova arte agora disponível no site por 24 horas. Link na bio. ———————————————————————— Nuovi dipinti ora disponibili sul sito ———————————————————————— New art now available on the site for 24 hours. ———————————————————————— ‎هم‌اکنون سری جدید نقاشی‌ها به مدت ۲۴ ساعت برای خرید از طریق وبسایت قابل دسترسی هستند. ———————————————————————— ‎رسمات جديدة متوفرة في الموقع على مدار الـ ٢٤ ساعة . ———————————————————————— International shipping available ———————————————————————— ? Gifting a print to a random person in the comments. To enter the giveaway tag someone that you think will appreciate an art print as a gift! ♥️

A post shared by A m a n d a??‍?O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

I nemaju distance.

I samoća ih više boli.

…Ali zato uvek imaju ekskluzivno pravo na rame voljene osobe.

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24 Hour Print Sale Now available on the site. 50 prints available this week Link in bio to see the rest available. —————————————— Nuevo arte ahora disponible en el sitio durante 24 horas. Enlace en bio. ———————————————————————— Art disponsible sur le site pour 24h. ———————————————————————— Nova arte agora disponível no site por 24 horas. Link na bio. ———————————————————————— Nuovi dipinti ora disponibili sul sito ———————————————————————— New art now available on the site for 24 hours. ———————————————————————— ‎هم‌اکنون سری جدید نقاشی‌ها به مدت ۲۴ ساعت برای خرید از طریق وبسایت قابل دسترسی هستند. ———————————————————————— ‎رسمات جديدة متوفرة في الموقع على مدار الـ ٢٤ ساعة . ———————————————————————— International shipping available ———————————————————————— ? Gifting a print to a random person in the comments. To enter the giveaway tag someone that you think will appreciate an art print as a gift! ♥️

A post shared by A m a n d a??‍?O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

I najjači zagrljaj kad je teško.

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Drawing 68/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. This is inspired by two nights ago. I was already sad and then I let the thought creep into my head that all the people I really, deeply love live far from me, (besides Joey). I wish I could just call my parents and say- “Hey! Let’s go out for dinner tonight” or call my brother and sister and invite them over for a sleepover. Or have a girls night at my place with my best friends. Why do things feel more dramatic and sad at night? Then the morning comes and everything feels fine and my logical side kicks in. —————————————————— Title: Night time sadness —————————————————— On the bright side my bachelorette is next week and I get to be with my best friends and sisters. The following month we get married and I get to be with my family. ?

A post shared by A m a n d a??‍?O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

I saučesnika u svakoj akciji.

I, na kraju, radije će ostati zajedno kod kuće, uz film i kokice, nego raditi bilo šta drugo.

A možda će i zajedno samo ležati u travi i čitati jedno drugom misli.

Jer, kad se sve sabere…


Samo kad su zajedno mogu da budu zaista ono što jesu.



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