Foto: MICHAEL SIMON / INSTAR Images / Profimedia

Bruk Šilds je bila i ostala jedna od najlepših žena na svetu. I danas, u 55. godini, ona zaustavlja poglede gde god se pojavi, a njene najnovije fotke u bikiniju još jednom to dokazuju. Međutim, pokazuju nam još jednu stvar koju možda i ne bismo želeli da vidimo.

Holivudska lepotica proslavila je Dan nezavisnosti na bazenu u kupaćem patriotskih boja, a stranice i stranice na internetu posvetile su ovim fotografijama važno mesto, jer je, jelte, u pitanju ikona Holivuda i neko ko zaista ima moć da oblikuje stavove devojčica i žena širom sveta. I baš zbog toga je mnogima za oko zapao jedan detalj koji je na tim fotografijama nesumnjivo očigledan – Bruk Šilds veličanstvena kakva jeste, spektakularno prelepa poput nekakve boginje koja se pojavljuje iz vode – uvlači stomačić.

Bruk Šilds
Bruk Šilds; Foto: MICHAEL SIMON / INSTAR Images / Profimedia


Bruk Šilds
Bruk Šilds; Foto: MICHAEL SIMON / INSTAR Images / Profimedia

Bez namere da osuđujemo glumicu, i uz puno razumevanje činjenice da na teror mladosti i savršenog tela niko nije imun, tim devojčicama i ženama koje gledaju ka poznatima kao uzoru, ipak bismo skrenuli pažnju na jednu bitnu stvar. Da biste bile lepe i privlačne, da biste, pre svega, volele sebe i svoje telo – ne morate da izgledate savršeno.

Pročitaj i:

U jeku „body positivity“ pokreta koji slavi lepotu različitosti i koji nam iz dana u dan dokazuje da smo, bez obzira na boju kože, kilažu ili ožiljke, dovoljno lepe i vredne i da ne postoje standardi koje treba da zadovoljimo, važniji od onih u našim glavama.

Upravo na tragu ovakve ideje na društvenim mrežama devojčice, devojke i žene godinama postavljaju svoje fotografije u slavu istinske lepote, pod raznoraznim haštagovima, a najsvežiji koji je eksplodirao globalno je #NormalizeNormalBodies

Bruk Šilds, prelepa si, ali devojčice u 2020. žele da vide tvoj normalni, opušteni, prelepi stomačić – daj da sve zajedno normalizujemo normalna tela!




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“I did something despicable. Ok not really descpicable but still not great. I judged myself I didn’t just judge myself I compared myself,. I compared myself now at two months postpartum to myself at 2 years post partum with my twins. I was looking at my reflection and felt emotions like shame, unworthiness, and unattractiveness. Did I try to force these feelings away? No. I sat with those uncomfortable feelings first without judgement of myself for feeling them—I validated them. And only after that, did I allow myself to shift to gratitude. This body, this person, this being is who I am now and that is not going to change. I asked myself would I go back in the past just to reclaim my “old body”? I replied no; because for me to go back into the past to be within a previous physical body of mine, means to rewind the time before my newest addition was added to my family. And I couldn’t imagine that. I didn’t want to imagine that. I realized I wasn’t being present for myself or acknowledging the immense amount of growth that has happened further than skin deep. My mind, my spirit, my being—all have gone on under a metamorphosis. A beautiful thing I realized is that all of those stages of my body and mind are still within me. I am a beautiful mix of accumulated wisdom and experiences and some of it just happens to show on my physical self. The only thing i was focused on in that moment what I saw in the mirror but with that was only what I could visually see. My reflection doesn’t even begin to show the magnitude of what I have gone through and fought through and strived through. Who I am is not measured in what I see but what is underneath that. And I love that. This Monday’s mantra: I want you to remember, your feelings are valid. It’s ok to cry and about your old self but girl, you wash those tears after & remember you are way more than what you see!?” Repost from @marriedmomandmantras ?????? #normalizenormalbodies

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EVERY BODY IS BIKINI READY EVERY DAMN DAY! . ? Don’t wait to wear the bikini ??‍? There is no graduation that you have to go through to deserve to feel the sun on your skin, no one deserves the sun on their skin more that another ? there isn’t a panel of people who will declare you bikini ? ready (and if you meet anyone who thinks they are on this panel tell them to jog on) . I have put together a handy check list below in case you want to check if you are bikini body ready and if your body is worthy of wearing a bikini: . DO YOU HAVE? . ??A body ??A desire to wear a bikini . CONGRATULATIONS ? YOU GRADUATED FROM BIKINI WORTHINESS SCHOOL . Now go and wear whatever you damn well want to, we all deserve to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin ?? . . . . . #rejectbeautystandards #beautystandards #womenempowerment #bodyconfidencemovement #bodyconfident #bikinibody #beachbody #summerbody #bodyconfidence #selfacceptance #bodyimage #rolls #cellulite #iweigh #selflove #selflove #bodyfat #normalizenormalbodies #weightlossjourney #transformation

A post shared by EMMA BELLE | PODCASTER BIPOLAR (@emmakbelle) on

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